AND BYLAWS OF

               LOCAL NO. 155

         Association of Western

        Pulp and Paper Workers


This Constitution and Bylaws shall supersede any

and all Constitutions and Bylaws formerly governing

this Local Union.








Purpose     Article I     1

Membership    Article II            1

Revenue     Article III 3

Meetings    Article IV 7

Elections                       Article V      10

Duties, Terms of Office             Article VI     13

Wages, Salaries           Article VII    18

Executive Board          Article VIII   19

Bargaining, Ratification Article IX    19

Rights, Due Process    Article  X    20

Stewards                       Article  XI    21

Recall Procedure         Article  XII   22

Copies To Members               23



 The purpose and objectives of the organization include:

Promoting the economic and general welfare of its members.

Promoting friendly relations with management in order to improve conditions in the industry and, (3) Working in harmony with all other local unions of the Association and other labor organizations in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association of Western Pulp and Paper Workers.



Any worker within the jurisdiction of the local union, as defined in the Association Constitution and Bylaws, may become a member of this local union by submitting an application, subject to acceptance or rejection, at its next meeting.

It shall be the policy of this local union to accept for membership any new employee who is hired by the company, and who is represented by this local union for collective bargaining purposes, unless there is clear evidence that the new employee is a threat to the integrity and security of the local. The applicant shall be instructed to appear at the local union meeting to be accepted and initiated.  C. Withdrawal and transfer cards shall be furnished by the local at its members’ requests.


                Each candidate for membership must accept this obligation:

 “Are you willing to take this obligation?  “You will, to the best of your ability, participate in the activities of your local union;  “You will not reveal to others the business of this local union or the Association;  “You will endeavor at all times to patronize union houses, and purchase union  made goods;  “You will join with our fellow members in the efforts of this organization, to uphold and promote the doctrines of clean, democratic, member controlled unionism.”

 “Do you pledge your word of honor, in the presence of these members, gathered here, that you will uphold this obligation and abide by the decisions and regulations of this local union affiliated with the Association of Western Pulp and Paper Workers?”

Candidate’s answer: “I do.”

Members’ reply: “We shall remember your pledge.”

 President: “We welcome you to this organization.”

 If a member quits his or her job, they should secure a withdrawal card. This permits the member to return to this union in the future without payment of a new initiation fee.



 A. The initiation fee for joining this local union will be $1,500.00. Payment is immediately due upon acceptance of the membership applicant. Upon being sworn in at a regularly scheduled union meeting, the newly accepted member will receive a $100.00 refund.

                The local Executive Board may reduce or waive the initiation fee of any newly accepted member. This decision will be based, in part, on whether a new member has previously been a member in good standing of any other union(s).  B. The monthly dues for this local union are: The sum of the lowest permanent wage rate in the mill and the highest permanent wage rate, divided by two (2), plus the amount of the AWPPW per capita tax, plus $3.00.

 There shall be a dues increase of $4.00 and placed into a bargaining fund for the sole purpose of negotiations. This fund shall have a low set point

of $150,000.00. If, at any time, the fund drops below the low set point, the $4.00 will build the fund back up to a high set point of $160,000.00. Once the high set point has been reached, the $4.00 will no longer be added to the dues.

                There shall be a Strike Fund for the members of Local 155, AWPPW, with a low set point of $350,000.00 and a high set point of $400,000.00. If the Strike Fund should drop below the low set point, a dues increase of $10.00 per member, per month, shall be in effect and deposited into the Strike Fund.  Once the high set point ($400,000.00) has been reached, the $10.00 increase will no longer be in effect. In the event the General Fund of Local 155 gets too low on funds, that the local could not carry out the business of Local 155 or the welfare of the local or its members, a vote could be taken at a regular scheduled union meeting to withdraw up to $20,000.00 from the Strike Fund and deposit it into the General Fund. At no time could more than $40,000.00 be withdrawn in a three-year period.  Otherwise, no money from the Strike Fund shall be spent for any purpose except strike relief and negotiations for the members of Local 155, AWPPW. The disbursement of the Strike Fund shall be at the discretion of the Local Executive Board.  Dues increases due to negotiations and increases in per capita from the Association will be placed in effect the first of July each year.

                Dues will not be collected from members working less than forty (40) hours per month due to illness, layoff, or strike.

 Employees hired primarily for vacation and/or sickness relief will only be required to pay AWPPW Per Capita Tax instead of AWPPW Local 155 union dues on a monthly basis, limited to four (4) successive months. These employees will not be required to pay the Local 155 initiation fee. These employees will not have the right to draw benefits from the AWPPW Local 155 Strike Fund, vote on Local 155 labor contracts, Local 155 officers, or constitutional and bylaws changes.

     The General Fund of this local union shall be used for no purpose except the business of the local or the welfare of the local or its members.

 Any expenditures from the funds of the local union, unless previously authorized, must be approved by the membership at a meeting, provided, however, the Executive Board shall have the power to expend money in any case wherein the welfare of the local union or any of its members may be adversely affected if action is not taken prior to the following regular meeting of the local union.  Expenditures authorized by the Executive Board must be reported at the next regular meeting of the local union.

Wages, Per Diem and Travel Expenses for persons doing Union business will be paid by the following guidelines:

Each person must make out a travel voucher before leaving on a trip for the local union.

With prior approval by 3 (three) Local Executive officers the local will advance to each person traveling overnight for the local, cost of lodging and per diem.  The per diem for traveling out of town for the local (but not overnight) will be $20.00, (overnight) will be $45.00.

If person travels overnight for the local union, and if a person knows his/her motel cost of the single room per night will be advanced the known cost of the single room but required to bring back the room receipt to substantiate the amount.

Travel pay will advanced to people before leaving on a trip other advance will be handled on a case-case-basis.

All remaining wages will be paid when the person returns from out of town or after a meeting in town.

All persons will be paid weekly starting after the first week.

People should bring back room receipts.  If a person does not bring back a room receipt, part of his/her per diem could be entered on his/her W-2 form as supplemental income and subject to tax.

Original copies of receipts must be turned in to the financial officers.  If a person wants

a copy of his/her receipts for his/her records, he/she must make the copies.

Wages, expenses, and travel pay will not be pyramided.

Mileage will be paid at the rate set forth under Section B, Paragraph 2, of the AWPPW Constitution and Bylaws.

Assessments may be levied, or the a mount of dues or initiation fees may be changed, by voting in the same manner as provided for in Article XI of this Constitution and Bylaws.

Social and education expenses will be disbursed from the General Fund.

The fiscal year of the local union shall be January 1 through December 31st.



Regular meetings shall normally be held the first and third Wednesdays of each month. The time of meeting to be set by the Executive Board, with two (2) weeks’ notice of any time change to be posted in the mill.

Special meetings may be called at any time by the President, whenever the President judges it is necessary, or if the President fails to act in such cases that they consider it necessary, the Executive Board may call a special meeting.

                The President may call a special meeting on petition of twenty-five (25) members.

Notice of Special Meetings must be posted on the bulletin boards in the mill at least two (2) days in advance of such meeting, and such notice shall designate the business to be transacted at said meeting. No other business may be transacted at said meeting.

Five (5) or more members shall constitute a quorum at a meeting. Seven (7) or more members shall be required to vote at any meeting to take care of Local 155 business or the welfare of the local or its members. The senior officer present at any meeting shall preside at that meeting, with seniority to be in the following order: President, Vice President, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Trustees, and Guard.


 One rap of the gavel calls the meeting to order or seats the members if they are standing. Three raps of the gavel calls the entire meeting to their feet.

 If a member arrives late at a meeting, he or she should make his/her presence known by rapping on the door. When the guard opens the door, the member must give their name, local number, and password in a whisper. If all are correct, the guard will permit the member to enter and participate in the meeting. The guard will introduce the member, who may then sit down and participate in the meeting.

                To leave the room while the meeting is in session, a member will receive permission from the Vice President. The guard will permit the member to leave then.


Opening ceremonies – Flag Salute

Introduction of Guests


Roll Call of Officers

Applications – acceptance

Unapproved Minutes

Initiation of Candidates


Bills or Accounts

Treasurer’s Report

Shop Stewards’ Reports

Committee Reports

Unfinished Business

New Business

Good and Welfare Adjournment


 Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the recognized authority on all points of procedure and decorum not covered by this Constitution and Bylaws.



A. Elected officers and committees for Local 155 shall be:


                Vice President

                Recording Secretary

                Financial Secretary


                Three (3) Trustees

                Three (3) Standing Committee members

                Four (4) Central Safety Committee members


                 Nominations for the various offices of this local union, as well as nominations for Standing Committee, Delegates to conventions and council, and the Local Trial Board, shall be made at the first meeting in November and the second meeting in November of each year.

 The election shall be held during the second week of December, at designated times and at the designated voting place.

 Voting shall be conducted by secret ballot and shall be on a plurality basis. In the event an election results in a tie between two (2) candidates for any office, the tie shall be broken by a runoff election.  The installation of officers shall be held at the first regular meeting of January of each year.  Each officer will hold office until the following election, and until his/her successor has been declared elected and installed.

                The local union President and the Chairman of the Standing Committee shall be the Delegates to the Area Council meetings and the Association Conventions if these meetings are held that year. Alternate Delegate(s) will be any elected officer(s) appointed by the President. The Chairman of the Standing Committee shall be the member elected to the Standing Committee who receives the greatest number of votes in the election. The member who gets the greatest number of votes in the election shall have the right to decline the position of Chairman. The position will then pass to the next greatest vote holder of the two (2) other members elected to the Standing Committee. If the second highest vote holder declines the position of Chairman, the third member will be the Chairman of the Standing Committee.

                No member shall be eligible to hold an office in this local union unless he or she shall have been a member in good standing for at least six (6) months preceding the date of the election.

 Any member who has been convicted of robbery and/or other crimes must adhere to the time requirements as specified in Section 504 (a)(1) of the Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act in order to be eligible for nomination or election to local union office.

Whenever an officer resigns or otherwise vacates his or her position the President will fill the remainder of vacant officer’s term by appointment with the consent of the full Executive Board members. If the President resigns, or otherwise vacates his or her position, the Vice President will automatically become President.

All committees, except the Standing Committee and the Central Safety Committee, shall be appointed by the President, after taking into consideration recommendations, if any, from the Standing Committee. If any member of any committee, except the Standing Committee and Central Safety Committee, fails to perform his/her duties, the President may discharge him/her and appoint another in that place.

                The Shop Stewards in each department of the mill will be elected under the supervision of the incumbent Shop Steward of his/her respective department. Any Shop Steward who accepts a position of relief supervisor or other non-bargaining unit position, must give up his/her position of Shop Steward in his/her department. Failure of a department to comply with this provision, outlined in this paragraph, will result in appointment(s) by the Standing Committee.

Provisions for absentee ballots for Local 155 elections shall be provided to any Local 155 member requesting a ballot in writing from any Trustee.

Notice of election of officers will be posted in the mill and published in The Rebel at least 15 days prior to the date of election. Observers will be allowed at the polling place and during counting of the ballots. All ballots will be kept on record for a period of at least one (1) year.



PRESIDENT: The President is the head of the local union with general responsibility for its activities; shall preside at all meetings whenever possible and shall see that all other officers perform their duties in a manner satisfactory to the local membership. The President shall countersign each voucher that is presented to the Treasurer for a check to be written.

VICE PRESIDENT: The Vice President shall act in the place of the President in the event of his or her absence; shall assist the President in maintaining order at the meetings and in other ways as the President may require.


SECRETARY: The Corresponding/Recording Secretary shall be the official record keeper of the local union (except for financial records and records of grievances); shall keep a record of the actions taken at each local union meeting, including motions, resolutions, and other matters of interest to the local. This record shall be kept in a permanent book, and each set of minutes shall, after having been approved, bear the signature of the President and Recording Secretary. The Recording Secretary shall call the Roll of Officers at each meeting; shall receive all communications to the local and dispose of them appropriately, bringing them to the attention of the local membership and also the attention of the appropriate officer before the meeting. He/she shall be responsible for the safekeeping of the local’s seal and shall ensure that it is used appropriately; shall keep a file of all correspondence and incoming communications.

FINANCIAL SECRETARY: The Financial Secretary shall receive all initiation fees, dues, fines, assessments, and any other income of the local union, giving receipts for same. All his or her books and records shall be subject to inspection by the Trustees. The Financial Secretary shall issue vouchers for all expenditures incurred by the local union, and they must bear the signature of the Financial Secretary and either the President or the Vice President.

TREASURER: The Treasurer shall receive all monies from the Financial Secretary, giving an appropriate receipt; shall pay all bills authorized by the local union, and shall keep a record of all expenditures. He or she shall deposit in the bank all monies collected for the local; shall be the custodian of all bank books; and shall preserve for five (5) years all cancelled checks and vouchers for bills paid. All bills shall be paid by check, and all checks shall bear the signatures of two (2) of the following officers: Treasurer, President, Vice President, or Financial Secretary. The Treasurer, with an additional signature of the following officers: President, Vice President, or Financial Secretary, shall have the authority to invest all monies with any bank, financial institution, insurance company, or brokerage firm. In addition, they shall also have the authority to hire and place monies with outside investment managers and advisors. No signatures will be authorized without consensus of the Trustees. The books of the Treasurer shall be subject to inspection in the same manner as those of the Financial Secretary. The Treasurer shall report to the local union each month the total receipts of the previous month, the expenditures of the previous month, and the balance on hand in the local treasury.

GUARD: The Guard shall be at the appointed post before the meeting is called to order, and shall see that all persons present are qualified to remain at the meeting. The Guard shall perform any duties which the President may direct.

TRUSTEES: The three (3) Trustees shall be responsible for the safekeeping and good condition of all local property, funds, and books. The Trustees shall ensure that the financial officers are properly bonded and that all their records are properly kept. At the end of each quarter, the Trustees shall examine the books and records of the Financial Secretary and the Treasurer, report their findings to the local union, and submit a quarterly report to the Association’s main office. They shall, if they see fit, secure the services of a C.P.A. to audit the books.

STANDING COMMITTEE: The Standing Committee Chairman’s duties shall consist of being the head of the Standing Committee with the general responsibilities of enforcing the contract as negotiated. He/she shall have the responsibility of informing the Standing Committee of scheduled meetings with the company and shall see that all of the time limits regarding the grievance procedure are met.

                Before a grievance is instituted in the second step or further steps, it must have the consent of two (2) members of the union Standing Committee.

In the case of a discharge or suspension, if the grievance is not pursued, it must be by majority vote of the union Standing Committee.

In the event the union Standing Committee must approach management on a problem affecting a committee, such as Health & Welfare or Mechanic’s Committee, they will attempt to have a member of the committee affected at the meeting.

                No final decision will be given to management without two (2) members of the union Standing Committee being present.

For the purpose of these rules, the Standing Committee shall be considered as the three (3) elected members of the Standing Committee. In the case of an absence of a member of the Standing Committee, these rules shall then apply to the alternates.

                The Chairman of the Standing Committee shall automatically be a member of the Bargaining Board.

The President, Vice President, Financial Secretary, and the Treasurer shall be adequately bonded.

                The terms of elected officers shall be one (1) year, with the exceptions of the Financial Secretary’s and Treasurer’s terms of two (2) years, and the three Trustees, one of which shall be elected each year for a term of three (3) years. The Bargaining Delegates shall be elected for a term of one (1) year, with the exception of the bargaining year in which Delegates will be extended, if necessary, until the contract is signed.



 A. The monthly salaries of the officers are as follows:

Treasure . . . . . . . . . . . .$250.00 B. The quarterly salaries of the officers are as follows:    

                President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     $100.00

                Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  40.00

                Recording Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . .  100.00

                Financial Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  200.00

                Standing Committee Chairman . . . . . . .100.00 The Trustees and Standing Committee members will receive a salary of $100.00 per quarter.  To be eligible to receive a salary, there must be attendance of one union meeting per quarter.  All other committee members will be reimbursed for wages lost due to performance of their duties.  No member above is eligible for more than one salary.

                The Standing Committee Chairman will receive a salary of $100.00 per month. The Guard, Trustees, Standing Committee members, and Central Safety Committee Members will receive a salary of $100.00 per quarter. To be eligible to receive a salary, there must be attendance of one union meeting per quarter. All other committee members will be reimbursed for wages lost due to performance of their duties. No member above is eligible for more than one salary.

                Wages paid for all authorized union business will be at the straight time rate. This rate will be based on the journeyman rate, or the regular hourly straight time rate, whichever is higher.

The pay of the Wage Delegates will cease, except for lodging, subsistence, and travel, at the time the mill involved has established a picket line, is locked out by the company, or honors a picket line from another mill of the same company.

                 E. Except for normal monthly union salaries, no other member of the mill on strike, locked out, or honoring another mill’s picket line of the same company, will receive wages except for lodging, subsistence, and travel when on union business.



 The Executive Board shall consist of the following: President, Vice President, Corresponding Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Guard, Trustees, and the Standing Committee members.  The Executive Board shall act for the union in the periods between local union meetings.  No less than seven (7) members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum.






                The Wage Delegates shall be elected as per Article IV, Section G, Paragraph 1, of the Constitution of Association of Western Pulp and Paper Workers.

 Those members voting shall elect the Wage Delegate(s) at the annual election.

                Additional Wage Delegate(s) may be used if deemed necessary by two-thirds (2/3) vote of those members of the Executive Board present and voting at a meeting called for that purpose. When so approved, the additional Delegate(s) shall be selected by the Executive Board after considering recommendations of the appropriate Wage Delegates.

The vote for ratification of the results of a wage negotiation will be held as soon as practical after the conference. For the convenience of the shift workers, there shall be two (2) meetings for the purpose of hearing the reports of the Wage Delegates. Voting will be conducted after each meeting.

                Proposed resolutions to be presented to the next wage negotiations may be presented in writing by any member at a regular meeting of the local union for its consideration, or a proposed resolution may be discussed informally at a regular meeting and referred to the Bargaining Board for consideration or drafting.



                Members shall have the rights to participate in all the decisions of the local union within the framework of the Constitution and Bylaws. They shall also have the right to run for office, to hold office, and to criticize policies and officers.

                Charges may be referred in writing against a member by any other member in good standing of the local union. Any member or officer charged with an offense in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Association’s Constitution shall be entitled to a fair trial. All charges brought against a local member by members of this local union, will be tried by a local Trial Board, elected for a term of three (3) years, and consisting of seven (7) members.

                The local Trial Board shall act, and the procedure for conducting the hearing shall be in accordance with the Association’s Constitution.  Each year, immediately following the election of new members, the Trial Board shall convene and elect a Chairman and appoint three (3) alternates from the membership. If the use of an alternate becomes necessary, the accused and accuser shall each strike one (1) alternate. The remaining alternate shall serve on the Trial Board.



                All proposed changes or amendments to this Constitution and Bylaws shall be presented in writing at a regular local union meeting and must receive a two-thirds (2/3) vote by secret ballot of the votes cast at the next officer election.

                The President must call a Bylaw election on petition of fifty (50) or more members.

The amended Constitution and Bylaws shall become effective when ratified by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership voting and when approved by the Association President.



                 All elected positions shall be subject to the following recall provisions:

Upon receipt of a petition signed by twenty-five (25) percent of the members and a file of written charges against said elected position, the Executive Board of the local union shall initiate proceedings to sanction a recall vote.

                Within five (5) days of receipt of the petition and charges, a copy of the charges must be given to the person(s) the petition seeks to recall.

 Within twenty-one (21) days of receipt of the recall petition, along with a file of written charges against said elective position(s) by the Executive Board of the local union, a copy of the written charges and a rebuttal by said election position(s) shall be mailed to all members at their last known address. This mailing shall include the date(s), time(s), and place(s) that the voting process shall take place.

                Within twenty-one (21) days of the date of mailing of said charges and rebuttal to the members, the local shall hold a vote by secret ballot. A majority of the members voting shall be required to effect the recall.

                Upon affirmative action of the vote, the local union’s Executive Board shall declare the office vacant.

                COPIES TO MEMBERS

 Each member shall, upon his or her request, be provided with a copy of the Constitution and Bylaws.