Addendum 1

Addendum 1

Absenteeism Policy


Operation of the Mill and the well-being of our employee’s, is affected by the regular attendance of individuals.  The unexpected absence of an employee disrupts work schedules, adversely affects area performance and increases cost for the mill.  Absenteeism and tardiness not only reduces efficiency, but results in lower morale and hardship of those employees who  make the effort to be at work each day, and who must perform the work of the absentee.  Consistent and equitable treatment of absenteeism is very important. 


Guidelines – It is the intention of the Company to treat absenteeism in a manner such that the employee is fully aware of their situation and has ample opportunity to correct their behavior.

Absenteeism is measured on a Calendar Year Period except for those employees with chronic year over year attendance issues (i.e. Chronic Absenteeism).

Chronic Absenteeism is defined as having a prolonged absenteeism issue so as to have back to back measurement years with a discipline level of written reprimand or higher.  When an employee’s absenteeism reaches this level, the Period of Measurement used to determine appropriate discipline increases from 12 months to 24 months with January 1st of the Calendar Year of the second written reprimand being the starting date of the 24 month period.

Rules – Any employee with:

  • 1 unauthorized absence in the measurement period will be subject to a verbal discussion.
  • 2 unauthorized absences in the measurement period will be subject to a verbal reprimand.
  • 3 unauthorized absences in the measurement period will be subject to a written reprimand.
  • 4 unauthorized absences in the measurement period will be subject to “up to and including” a 1-day suspension.
  • 5 unauthorized absences in the measurement period will be subject to “up to and including” 3-day suspension.
  • More than 5 unauthorized absences in the measurement period will be subject to “up to and including” termination.  The final appropriate action will be determined dependent on the nature of the absences, information provided and the overall impact on the Mill’s operation.


  • Authorized absence – Bereavement Leave, Jury Duty, Military Leave, Union Business, Leave of Absence, Family Leave, prior approval by the employee’s supervisor, or leave that qualifies for Paid Sick Leave as defined by Washington State Law.
  • Unauthorized absence – One or more consecutive days of absence for any reason not covered by the above definition of Authorized absence.
  • No Call/No Show – Any unreported absence (No Call/No Show) will result in a 2-day suspension, unless there are acceptable extenuating circumstances.  Three consecutive days of unreported (No Call/No Show) absence may result in termination of employment unless there are acceptable extenuating circumstances.
  • Unauthorized Tardy – Unauthorized Tardies will each count as half of an occurrence.
  • Measurement Period – Calendar year commencing January 1.


  • It is the responsibility of each employee to control his/her attendance.
  • It is the responsibility of the Supervisor to report all employee absences to the Human Resources Department and to the employee in writing.
  • It is the responsibility of the Human Resources Department to maintain and track employee absenteeism.

Example for Clarification:

In 2010 an employee named Rupert, had issues with attendance and has a total of 3 incidents.  Rupert received a written reprimand for these 3 incidents based on the Attendance Policy.  On January 1st of 2011, Rupert’s attendance record reset to zero.  The Written Reprimand received in 2010 remains on Rupert’s attendance record for consideration of Chronic Attendance for all of the 2011 Attendance year however.  In 2011 Rupert continues to have issues with attendance and receives a new written reprimand for 3 additional incidents.  Because Rupert now has back to back calendar years (2010 and 2011) with attendance issues at a level of written reprimand or greater, he is deemed to have a Chronic Absenteeism issue.  As a result the measurement period is extended from January 1st of 2011 through to December 31st of 2012 or a measurement period of 24 months.  This means that all attendance incidents within this two year period are included in determination of any and all appropriate discipline as specified in the Attendance Policy.